Manifestor's 'rest' phase Mar 28, 2022

A manifestor cycles between initiating and resting.

The initiating takes up a lot of energy, and it can't last forever… So, after an urge to create comes an urge to rest.

But resting in the case of the Manifestor doesn't mean sleeping in bed all day.

It means resting or taking a break from...

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Undefined Head Centers: Stop the Information OVERLOAD! Mar 22, 2022

You may have an open or undefined head center if…

You feel an insatiable drive to gather as much information as possible.

You get more emails than you could ever possibly read.

You have a nagging feeling that you're missing something so you're constantly on the search.

You buy books...

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Cycles of the Manifestor Mar 21, 2022

Manifestors have a direct connection to the needs of the Collective. So a manifestor will get a sudden urge to create, innovate and initiate out of nowhere and it is correct for them to act on these urges.

When they first jump into the urge, it feels exciting and new and fresh and then the...

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Human Design versus Personality Tests Mar 09, 2022

Personality Test:

A quick (and limited) snapshot of where you currently are, with all your conditioning.

Human Design:

An in-depth blueprint of how your energy flows, that you can use to decondition and get into alignment.


I'm a huge fan of personality tests and I really love them for...

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Manifesting Generators are NOT a hybrid of a Manifestor and a Generator Feb 25, 2022

So let's talk about Manifesting Generators vs. Generators.

And Manifesting Generators vs. Manifestors.

I see the statements below allllll the time. Especially on Instagram where Human Design misinformation (“Pop” Human Design) runs rampant.

"Manifesting Generators are half Manifestor...

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Have you begun deconditioning? Feb 18, 2022

I have been in my human design experiment and deconditioning process for nearly 4 years now. And I can definitely see why the whole process takes a minimum of 7 years. Honestly, I think you could spend your entire lifetime deconditioning


So what exactly is deconditioning? It's the process...

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Does your Human Design type not seem to fit you very well? Feb 01, 2022

Sometimes I meet someone who feels like their type just doesn't resonate with them. Maybe they are a projector but they have spent their life starting projects and giving an invited advice. Or maybe they are an emotional authority but pride themselves on making quick in-the-moment decisions.


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When to push your own boundaries... Jan 19, 2022

Generators: Sometimes you have to finish a project that you committed to even if you are getting annoyed by it.


Manifesting Generators: Sometimes you might have to temporarily set a few things aside, and focus on one thing to get it done.


Projectors: You may have to give uninvited...

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Supporting Manifestor Children Jan 04, 2022

Manifestors are on this planet to initiate, create new things, and do things their own way. And their aura is built to move anything that stands in their way of doing so. In fact, if they feel like they are being told what to do or that someone is trying to control them, they can become quite...

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Supporting Reflector Children Dec 28, 2021

Reflectors have an open blueprint that pick up on everybody else's energy around them.

This can be extremely overwhelming for a child as they may not understand how to discern their own feelings from those around them.

So when they pick up on somebody else's thoughts or feelings, those thoughts and...

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Supporting Generator & Manifesting Generator Children Dec 27, 2021

Children Generators (and manifesting generators) are full of energy and need to wear themselves out each day. (The little ones still need naps though! ) Give them lots of physical activity to help them use up their internal batteries. They need a quick and snappy bedtime routine and as long as...

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Supporting Projector Children Dec 22, 2021

Children projectors need lots of rest. And not necessarily multiple naps, but just 'down time' zoning out and laying around. Some people might see this as being lazy, but it is necessary for the projector.

Projector children will be more likely to need a lengthier bedtime routine to help them...

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